What if I Defect was written and directed by Robby Monroe, and stars Robby Monroe, Shelise Ann Sola, Ricardo Dal Moro, and Karina Pennett. The movie is expected to release early 2020, and was produced by Baird Media and Red7 Entertainment.
In the meantime, here are some screenshots from the film.
Cole calls out of work. |
"It's over, Daniel. I'm done." |
"I just wanna go." |
"What do you want from life?" |
"We'll be married soon, right?" |
Hotel Rendezvous |
Olivia in Discontentment |
Daniel and Olivia dance under the stars |
Daniel (Robby Monroe) has dinner with Olivia (Shelise Ann Sola) and Tammy (Dorene Lorenz) |
Daniel Carmichael was a young, twenty-something who met and fell in love
with Brooke, a girl who seemed to be his kindred spirit, and everything
he ever hoped to find in a partner. He lost himself in her, and when
she suddenly breaks off their engagement, he's left questioning what it
means to live, to love, and to believe. His entire core completely and
utterly shaken, Daniel sets out to win her back, and reclaim his lost
soul, but will fate have other plans?